Continuing our commitment to transparently and openly report our Safety Performance we are taking the opportunity to provide our latest update.
You will see that these latest results reflect continued strong performance with our Lost Time Injury (LTI) frequency rate sitting at 1.5, a slight uptick on the last reported result but nevertheless remaining very low.
Maintaining a low Injury Frequency Rate is a strong indicator of performance and we are very focused on continuing this strong performance. Having said that we would prefer it were zero.
In our ongoing efforts to achieve zero harm, increasingly you will see us focussing our efforts on lead, rather than lag, indicators and efforts to influence future outcomes. As part of this we will be investing even more in the safety culture within our business, our projects and the partnerships we have with all of the other people involved in creating and delivering our projects. This includes our own employees as well as better understanding, engaging and collaborating with:
And really anyone who we deal with in doing what we do every day. All of these initiatives are aimed at achieving our goal of zero harm.
With the imminent completion of the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) project I am taking the opportunity to share the safety performance achieved there. It is a very large ($1bn), complex, 5 year project and it has achieved industry leading safety performance of 1.2. This is a terrific result which appropriately demonstrates the combined efforts of everyone at Grocon along with those of our project partners, our subcontractors, consultants and clients – thank you