In May 2015 we provided a Safety Update together with a commitment to transparently reporting our safety performance. We’re now taking the opportunity to share our latest Safety Update with you.
Consistent with the previous update, the data is calculated in accordance with the Safe Work Australia method of calculation and it captures results for both Grocon employees as well as any other person who enters and works in a Grocon workplace, including subcontractors and their employees. The industry data used for comparison purposes is the most recent data made available by Safe Work Australia.
You will see that this quarter’s result reflects a continued favorable trend in our incident frequency rate. It remains low, which is clearly a positive, but the fact remains we need to keep working at achieving our goal of zero harm across all of our activities. In support of this, Grocon’s Strategic Safety Group spent a lot of time in the closing part of 2015 developing new strategies and initiatives to achieve zero harm. We look forward to the ongoing support of our clients and stakeholders in our pursuit of this goal.
The other point we want to highlight at this juncture is the performance of the team at 480 Queen Street in Brisbane. This is a major commercial office building project successfully completed without a single Lost Time Injury. A wonderful result and one that demonstrates in real time that zero harm is possible and attainable. This outcome is a very powerful statement to our own staff and the consultants and subcontractors with whom we work.